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Presco Biodegradable
Presco's Biodegradable Roll Flagging is made from wood pulp. This Biodegradable Roll Flagging Tape is non-toxic and safe to humans and animals and won't harm the environment. Biodegradable Roll Flagging Tape degrades completely in 6 months to 24 months (depending on the environmental circumstances). Biodegradable Roll Flagging Tape is priced similar to other flagging and is an environmentally responsible choice. Discounts are given for purchases of 40 or more rolls of biodegradable flagging and also for 100 or more rolls of biodegradable flagging.
Biodegradable flagging rolls of 1" x 100' are packaged 10 rolls of biodegradable flagging per carton or 100 rolls of biodegradable flagging per case. Biodegradable flagging is the most environmentally friendly marking solution available. Biodegradable flagging is made of non-woven cellulosic material derived from wood pulp. Biodegradable flagging is completely non-toxic to humans, animals, and the environment.